利比亚在圣诞节时将移民驱逐到尼日尔, Libya deported migrants to Niger on Christmas Day, its first such deportation in years.
利比亚在圣诞节将一批移民驱逐至尼日尔, Libya deported a group of migrants to Niger on Christmas Day, marking the first such deportation in years. 这些移民因违反利比亚法律而被送回。 The migrants were sent back for breaking Libyan laws. 自2011年穆阿迈尔·卡扎菲被推翻以来,利比亚已成为前往欧洲的非洲移民的一个主要过境点。 Since the 2011 overthrow of Muammar Gaddafi, Libya has become a major transit point for African migrants heading to Europe. 据国际移徙组织估计,利比亚约有787 000名移民,其中41%的人在移徙前面临环境、政治或经济等困难。 The International Organization for Migration estimates there are about 787,000 migrants in Libya, with 41% facing hardships like environmental, political, or economic issues before migrating.