印度官员在一个腐败的森林官员家中发现1.31卢比以上的现金和黄金。 Indian officials found over Rs 1.31 crore in cash and gold at a corrupt forest official's home.
印度政府的反腐败局在马哈拉施特拉邦发现了1.31亿卢比的现金,金饰品和与公寓有关的文件. The Anti-Corruption Bureau in Maharashtra discovered over Rs 1.31 crore in cash, gold ornaments, and documents related to flats in the home of forest department official Sandeep Choure. Choure被控索要20万卢比的贿赂以归还村民的土地。 Choure is accused of demanding a Rs 20 lakh bribe to return a villager's land. 提交了一份情况报告,但尚未逮捕任何人员。 An FIR was filed, but no arrests have been made yet. 此外,Thane的一名税务官员因贿赂40,000卢比被捕。 Additionally, a revenue official in Thane was arrested for a Rs 40,000 bribe.