El Paso's Sun Metro今天提供免费公交车, 并鼓励在圣诞节使用公共交通工具。 El Paso's Sun Metro offers free bus rides today, encouraging public transit use on Christmas Day.
El Paso的Sun Metro将在12月25日圣诞节免费搭乘公车, El Paso's Sun Metro will offer free bus rides on Christmas Day, December 25th, to all passengers without requiring passes. 这项服务旨在感谢客户并鼓励使用公共交通。 The service aims to thank customers and encourage public transit use. 客车将按星期天的日程运行,LIFT准过境服务也将免费,至少提前一天预订。 Buses will run on a Sunday schedule, and LIFT paratransit service will also be free with reservations made at least a day in advance.