洛杉矶地铁提供免费搭乘火车、公交车, 以及圣诞节前夕和新年前夕的自行车股份。 Los Angeles Metro offers free rides on trains, buses, and bike shares on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve.
洛杉矶市将在圣诞节前夕和新年前夕,从上午4时至3时,免费搭乘火车和公共汽车,以确保假日旅行安全。 Los Angeles Metro will offer free rides on trains and buses on Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve from 4 a.m. to 3 a.m., aiming to ensure safe holiday travel. Metro Micro and Metro Bike Share也提供特定代码的免费车程, Metrolink将提供10美元的假日通行证, Metro Micro and Metro Bike Share will also offer free rides with specific codes, and Metrolink will provide a $10 Holiday Pass for unlimited rides on Christmas and New Year's Day. 在除夕夜,A、B、D和E铁路线将持续24小时,C和K铁路将持续到上午2时。 1月1日的玫瑰碗游行中,Metro将增加A线的服务并提供穿梭服务。 On New Year's Eve, rail lines A, B, D, and E will run 24 hours, while lines C and K will run until 2 a.m. For the Rose Bowl Parade on January 1, Metro will increase services on the A Line and provide shuttle services.