80岁的老人死于爱尔兰圣诞节早上的车祸;道路已关闭供调查。 Eighty-year-old man dies in Christmas morning car crash in Ireland; road closed for investigation.
圣诞节早上,一名80岁的老人在爱尔兰Cavan县Clarebane的N55号车祸中死亡。 On Christmas morning, an 80-year-old man died in a car crash on the N55 in Clarebane, County Cavan, Ireland. 另有4人因无生命威胁的伤害住院治疗。 Four others were hospitalized with non-life-threatening injuries. 道路仍然关闭,供调查之用,当局正在寻找证人和破摄像头录像。 The road remains closed for investigation, and authorities are seeking witnesses and dashcam footage. 另外,一名70岁的男子和一名50岁的妇女因圣诞节前夕在科克的N28号公路相撞而受重伤,两人均住院治疗。 Separately, a 70-year-old man and a 50-year-old woman were seriously injured in a collision on the N28 in Cork on Christmas Eve, with both hospitalized. 当局也在为这一事件的目击证人和录像发出呼吁。 Authorities are also appealing for witnesses and footage for that incident.