鹰湖第一民族质疑加拿大核废料场地的决定,要求协商。 Eagle Lake First Nation challenges Canada's nuclear waste site decision, demanding consultation.
安大略北部鹰湖第一民族向联邦法院提出法律诉讼,反对核废料管理组织(NWMO)选择附近区域为加拿大核废料的深层地质存放处。 Eagle Lake First Nation in northern Ontario has filed a legal challenge in Federal Court against the Nuclear Waste Management Organization’s (NWMO) choice of a nearby region to host a deep geological repository for Canada's nuclear waste. 第一民族声称该地点属于其领土范围,并辩称应当征求其意见。 The First Nation claims the site falls within its territory and argues it should have been consulted. 经过广泛的研究和社区参与后,NWMO 选择了 Ignace 镇和 Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation 地区,并表示正在审查法律挑战。 The NWMO, which selected the Township of Ignace and Wabigoon Lake Ojibway Nation area after extensive study and community engagement, says it is reviewing the legal challenge. 将数以百万计的废核燃料包埋在地下的26亿美元项目将于2040年代开始作业。 The $26-billion project to bury millions of used nuclear fuel bundles underground is set to begin operations in the 2040s.