德里的无家可归者在寒冷的气温和“非常差”的空气质量影响着城市时寻找避难所。 Delhi's homeless seek shelter as cold temperatures and "very poor" air quality affect the city.
由于气温寒冷,德里的无家可归者正在政府提供的夜间收容所寻求住所,城市的气温低至9摄氏度。 Delhi's homeless are seeking shelter in government-provided night shelters due to cold temperatures, with the city experiencing a low of 9 degrees Celsius. 轻雨临时缓解了污染,空气质量略有改善,但也造成交通堵塞。 Light rain provided temporary relief from pollution, slightly improving air quality, but also caused traffic jams. 空气质量指数在“非常贫穷”类别中仍为356。 The Air Quality Index remained in the "very poor" category at 356.