中国移民在新疆挖掘非法水井, 耗尽水资源, 与维吾尔人的关系日趋紧张, Chinese migrants in Xinjiang dig illegal wells, straining water resources and worsening tensions with Uyghurs.
在新疆的中国移民挖了46口非法水井,扰乱了当地的生态系统,加剧了与维吾尔居民在水资源问题上的紧张关系。 Chinese migrants in Xinjiang have dug 46 illegal wells, disrupting the local ecosystem and exacerbating tensions with Uyghur residents over water resources. 这些用于灌溉的水井耗尽了重要的地下水储备。 These wells, used for irrigation, have drained crucial underground water reserves. 在国营新疆生产和建设团控制的地区,情况特别紧张,导致法律挑战,社区摩擦加剧。 The situation is particularly strained in regions controlled by the state-run Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, leading to legal challenges and further communal friction.