据BBC报导, 对西藏一座中国大坝的抗议遭到严厉镇压。 Protests against a Chinese dam in Tibet were met with a harsh crackdown, reports BBC.
当局严厉镇压西藏抗议中国水坝项目的抗议活动, 据英国广播公司消息称, 抗议者遭到殴打和逮捕。 Rare protests in Tibet against a Chinese dam project were met with a harsh crackdown by authorities, with protesters beaten and arrested, according to BBC sources. 水坝的建造有可能使数千人流离失所,并淹没具有文化意义的地区。 The dam's construction threatens to displace thousands and submerge culturally significant areas. 1950年代吞并西藏的中国加紧了限制措施,没有证实这些事件,声称它保障公民合法表达关切的权利。 China, which annexed Tibet in the 1950s, has tightened restrictions and not confirmed the events, stating it safeguards citizens' rights to express concerns legally.