中国和日本商定了十项促进文化和人与人之间的交流的措施。 China and Japan agree on ten measures to boost cultural and people-to-people exchanges.
中国和日本已商定十项措施,以加强文化和人与人之间的交流,包括青年访问、教育合作和旅游支助。 China and Japan have agreed on ten measures to enhance cultural and people-to-people exchanges, including youth visits, educational cooperation, and tourism support. 他们还将促进体育交流、媒体合作,并在大阪2025年博览会上开展合作,以促进友谊。 They will also boost sports exchanges, media cooperation, and collaborate on the Osaka 2025 Expo to foster friendship. 这些协议是在两国外交部长出席的北京高级别磋商期间达成的。 The agreements were made during a high-level consultation in Beijing, attended by both countries' foreign ministers.