巴西提议将基督救赎者的管理权交给天主教会,引发关于世俗主义和保护的辩论。 Brazil proposes handing management of Christ the Redeemer to the Catholic Church, sparking debate over secularism and conservation.
巴西的一项法案提议将基督救赎神雕像及其土地的管理权从联邦控制转移到天主教会,引发了辩论。 A bill in Brazil proposes transferring management of the Christ the Redeemer statue and its land from federal control to the Catholic Church, sparking debate. 该雕像位于教科文组织保护的Tijuca国家公园,是宗教、保护和治理讨论的中心。 The statue, located in the UNESCO-protected Tijuca National Park, is at the center of discussions over religion, conservation, and governance. 虽然支持者认为教会可以更好地解决基础设施和无障碍问题, 但批评者担心这会破坏巴西政教分离状态及环境保护努力。 While supporters believe the Church can better address infrastructure and accessibility issues, critics worry it could undermine Brazil's secular state and environmental protection efforts.