第17次里约年度游行呼吁在日益加剧的不容忍中实现宗教自由。 17th annual Rio march calls for religious freedom amid rising intolerance.
数百人在里约热内卢科帕卡巴纳海滩游行, 在巴西倡导宗教自由, 巴西的不容忍现象在六年中翻了一番。 Hundreds marched in Rio de Janeiro's Copacabana Beach to advocate for religious freedom in Brazil, where intolerance has doubled in six years. 第17次捍卫宗教自由年度3月,来自不同信仰的与会者,特别是非洲裔巴西从业者遭到基督教团体的袭击。 The 17th annual March for the Defense of Religious Freedom featured participants from diverse faiths, particularly Afro-Brazilian practitioners facing attacks from Christian groups. 巴西人权部长Macaé Evaristo强调迫切需要消除不平等。 Brazil's Human Rights Minister, Macaé Evaristo, highlighted the urgent need to combat inequality. 从2018年到2023年,宗教不容忍投诉增加了140%。 Complaints of religious intolerance surged by 140% from 2018 to 2023.