据报道,墨西哥瓜达卢佩圣母雕像曾流下血泪,目前正接受天主教会的调查。 Statue of Our Lady of Guadalupe in Mexico under investigation by Catholic Church after reportedly crying tears of blood.
据报道,墨西哥一座描绘瓜达卢佩圣母的圣母雕像开始流下血泪,目前正在接受天主教会的调查。 A statue of the Virgin Mary, portrayed as Our Lady of Guadalupe, in Mexico is under investigation by the Catholic Church after it reportedly began crying tears of blood. 据称,这座雕像的主人是米却肯州莫雷利亚的一个家庭,6 月 2 日,它开始流下红色泪珠,这促使相关主人联系了教会当局。 The statue, owned by a family in Morelia, Michoacan, allegedly started shedding red tears on June 2, prompting the concerned owners to contact church authorities. 为了保护家人的安全,雕像的位置一直处于保密状态。 The location of the statue is being kept secret to protect the family's safety.