苹果从电动汽车转向人工智能,在监管和市场挑战面前发起新的举措。 Apple pivoted from electric cars to AI, launching new initiatives amid regulatory and market challenges.
在2024年,苹果公司将重点从电动车辆转向AI公司,发起了苹果公司情报等倡议,其中包括AI公司文本和图像生成。 In 2024, Apple shifted focus from electric vehicles to AI, launching initiatives like Apple Intelligence, which included AI for text and image generation. 尽管推出了新的iPhone和推进了AI技术,但该公司在中国和监管机构都面临着挑战。 Despite releasing new iPhones and advancing AI technology, the company faced challenges in China and from regulators. 苹果公司也与谷歌和微软等技术巨人竞争人工智能竞赛,同时处理反托拉斯审查。 Apple also competed with tech giants like Google and Microsoft in the AI race, while dealing with antitrust scrutiny.