WhatsApp 警告用户避免与可疑信息发生互动, WhatsApp warns users to avoid interacting with suspicious messages to prevent scams and bans.
Meta拥有的App警告数十亿用户对不明发件人发出的可疑信息保持谨慎。 WhatsApp, owned by Meta, has warned its billions of users to be cautious of suspicious messages from unknown senders. 建议用户不要回应、监听或转发此类信息,而是封锁和报告发件人。 Users are advised not to respond, tap, or forward such messages, but to block and report the sender instead. 该公司还建议更新隐私设置,以控制群体增加的情况。 The company also recommends updating privacy settings to control group additions. 发送散装信息可能导致账户禁令,分享成人内容可能导致法律问题。 Sending bulk messages can lead to account bans, and sharing adult content may result in legal issues.