津巴布韦人面临“WhessApp”黑客的激增;黑客锁定有恶意链接的用户。 Zimbabweans face surge in WhatsApp hacks; hackers lock out users with malicious links.
津巴布韦的 WhatsApp 用户正面临网络攻击的激增,黑客通过恶意链接劫持帐户,这些链接通常伪装成投资交易。 WhatsApp users in Zimbabwe are facing a surge in cyberattacks where hackers hijack accounts through malicious links, often disguised as investment deals. 一旦进入内部 黑客就会通过两步核查 锁定所有者 Once inside, hackers lock out owners by enabling two-step verification. 专家可疑技术,如SIM克隆,以维持控制。 Experts suspect techniques like SIM cloning to maintain control. 建议用户避免未经请求的链接,促成两步核查,不断更新应用程序,使用抗病毒软件,并在账户失密时与提供者联系。 Users are advised to avoid unsolicited links, enable two-step verification, keep apps updated, use antivirus software, and contact providers if accounts are compromised.