印度法庭解除了对HessApp与Meta分享广告用户数据的临时禁令。 Indian tribunal lifts temporary ban on WhatsApp sharing user data with Meta for ads.
一家印度法庭暂时取消了一项为期五年的禁令,禁止 " WhatsApp " 为广告目的与其母公司Meta分享用户数据。 An Indian tribunal temporarily lifted a five-year ban on WhatsApp sharing user data with its parent company, Meta, for advertising purposes. 印度竞争委员会以据称滥用其市场支配地位为由,对 " WhatsApp " 实施了禁令,并处以213卢比的罚款。 The Competition Commission of India had imposed the ban and a Rs 213 crore fine on WhatsApp for allegedly abusing its market dominance. 法庭还命令Meta在两周内支付50%的罚款。 The tribunal also ordered Meta to pay 50% of the fine within two weeks. WhatsApp 仍然必须为不愿分享其数据的用户提供一个选择退出选项。 WhatsApp must still provide an opt-out option for users who do not wish to share their data. 该案将得到进一步审查。 The case will be reviewed further.