Spokane Valley妇女因企图用刀刺邻居而被捕,可能是因为心理健康危机而被捕。 Spokane Valley woman arrested after attempting to stab neighbor with sword, possibly in mental health crisis.
一名43岁的Spokane Valley妇女Elizabeth Ptacek因企图用剑刺伤邻居而被捕。 A 43-year-old Spokane Valley woman, Elizabeth Ptacek, was arrested for attempting to stab her neighbor with a sword. 事件发生在星期五上午,当时Ptacek曾敲过受害人的门,他从她的公寓里出来,在受害者带着孩子离开时用剑对他挥舞。 The incident occurred on Friday morning when Ptacek, who had earlier knocked on the victim's door, emerged from her apartment and swung at the victim with the sword as he was leaving with his children. 受害者自卫,手部受了轻伤,并设法固定住了 Ptacek,直到警察到达。 The victim defended himself, sustaining a minor hand injury, and managed to pin Ptacek until police arrived. Ptacek因殴打罪被押入斯波卡内县监狱,副警长指出她可能经历了心理健康危机。 Ptacek was booked into Spokane County Jail for assault, with deputies noting she may have been experiencing a mental health crisis.