40岁的Taneka Davis因在争吵中刺伤男友,造成防御性伤而在纽约Utica被捕。 40-year-old Taneka Davis arrested in Utica, NY, for stabbing her boyfriend during an argument, causing defensive wounds.
40岁的Taneka Davis于10月27日发生刺杀事件后,在纽约Utica被捕。 Taneka Davis, 40, was arrested in Utica, New York, after a stabbing incident on October 27. 受害人,即其男友,报告了她用刀刺他脸部的争吵,导致他的手和手臂受了防御性伤。 The victim, her boyfriend, reported an argument during which she cut him across the face with a knife, resulting in defensive wounds on his hands and arms. 警察在现场发现了支持袭击的证据。 Police found evidence supporting the assault at the scene. Davis面临二度攻击和四度持有武器的犯罪指控。 Davis faces charges of second-degree assault and fourth-degree criminal possession of a weapon.