男子被刺伤,妇女在Winnemucca家庭骚乱中割断手指;妇女被控谋杀未遂。 Man stabbed, woman severed finger in Winnemucca domestic disturbance; woman charged with attempted murder.
在Winnemucca,Doll House公寓的家庭骚乱导致一名男子腹部被刺伤,其女性伴侣割断了她的手指。 In Winnemucca, a domestic disturbance at Doll House Apartments led to a man being stabbed in the abdomen and his female partner severing her finger. 两人都住院;该妇女后来被控犯有谋杀未遂和家用电池罪,而该男子在获释后可能面临指控。 Both were hospitalized; the woman was later charged with attempted murder and domestic battery, while the man may face charges after his release. 可提供地方家庭暴力支助服务。 Local domestic violence support services are available.