索马里指控埃塞俄比亚攻击位于杜洛的军事基地,使区域紧张局势升级。 Somalia accuses Ethiopia of attacking military bases in Doolow, escalating regional tensions.
索马里指控埃塞俄比亚部队袭击盖多州杜洛镇的军事基地,造成索马里军事和平民伤亡。 Somalia accused Ethiopian forces of attacking military bases in Doolow, a town in the Gedo region, resulting in Somali military and civilian casualties. 在朱巴兰总统艾哈迈德·马多贝的下属人员抵达该镇后,实行联邦宵禁,导致索马里联邦政府部队和朱巴兰士兵之间发生冲突。 This follows a federal curfew imposed after Jubaland President Ahmed Madobe’s affiliates arrived in the town, leading to clashes between Somali federal government forces and Jubaland soldiers. 这一事件被视为违反了为缓和两国之间紧张局势而签署的《安卡拉宣言》。 The incident is seen as a violation of the Ankara Declaration, signed to ease tensions between the two countries. 与此同时,政治和选举争端加剧了该区域动荡不安的局势。 Meanwhile, political and election disputes add to the volatile situation in the region.