尼日利亚军事首长敦促军官在2025年优先打击恐怖主义和土匪行为。 Nigerian military chief urges officers to prioritize fighting terrorism and banditry in 2025.
尼日利亚国防参谋长Christopher Musa将军敦促新晋升的高级军官在2025年成为打击恐怖主义和土匪活动的关键。 Nigerian Chief of Defence Staff, Gen. Christopher Musa, urged newly promoted senior officers to make 2025 pivotal in fighting terrorism and banditry. Musa在阿布贾的晋升仪式上发言时强调忠诚、纪律和献身精神,强调部队士气和公众支持对实现和平与安全的重要性。 Speaking at the promotion ceremony in Abuja, Musa emphasized loyalty, discipline, and dedication, stressing the importance of troop morale and public support for achieving peace and security. 他强调需要专业精神和协作,以实现国家安全目标。 He highlighted the need for professionalism and collaboration to meet national security goals.