尼日利亚陆军总参谋长计划进行主要技术和培训升级,以打击恐怖主义和土匪行为。 Nigerian Army Chief plans major tech and training upgrades to fight terrorism and banditry.
尼日利亚陆军总司令奥卢费米·奥卢耶德中将计划大量投资于现代技术和专门培训,以打击恐怖主义、土匪活动和暴力极端主义。 Nigerian Army Chief Lt. Gen. Olufemi Oluyede plans to invest heavily in modern technology and specialized training to combat terrorism, banditry, and violent extremism. 这包括改进军队学校的装备和培训,提高无人驾驶飞机的能力,以及满足士兵的福利和住宿需要。 This includes improving equipment and training at army schools, enhancing drone capabilities, and addressing soldiers' welfare and accommodation needs. 目标是建立一支准备充分、积极进取的部队,能够在联合环境中有效运作。 The goal is to create a well-prepared and motivated force capable of operating effectively in a joint environment.