美国国家食品药品管理局向最高法院提交了一份简短文件, 质疑FDA对谁可以合法质疑其决定的限制. The NCLA submits a brief to the Supreme Court, challenging the FDA's restriction on who can legally contest its decisions.
新公民自由联盟(NCLA)已向美国最高法院提交了一份法律简报, The New Civil Liberties Alliance (NCLA) has submitted a legal brief to the U.S. Supreme Court in support of vaping retailers challenging the FDA's decision to ban certain e-cigarettes. NCLA认为,林业发展局错误地试图限制谁能够合法地质疑其决定,不仅影响到零售商,而且可能影响到许多其他可能寻求对政府机构的行动进行司法审查的人。 The NCLA argues the FDA is wrongly trying to limit who can legally challenge its decisions, affecting not just retailers but potentially many others who could seek judicial review of government agency actions. 该案件可能影响个人和企业对联邦机构寻求法院干预的频率。 The case could impact how often individuals and businesses can seek court intervention against federal agencies.