鉴于青少年吸电子烟现象日益增多,美国最高法院将审查 FDA 关于阻止甜味电子烟营销的决定。 US Supreme Court to review FDA's decision on blocking sweet-flavored e-cigarette marketing amid youth vaping rise.
随着青少年吸电子烟现象的增多,美国最高法院将审查美国食品药品管理局(FDA)禁止销售甜味电子烟产品的决定。 The US Supreme Court will review the Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) decision to block the marketing of sweet-flavored e-cigarette products, amid a rise in youth vaping. FDA 正在对下级法院支持电子烟公司的裁决提出上诉,称 FDA 不公平地拒绝了超过一百万份销售水果味或糖果味电子烟的申请。 The FDA is appealing a lower court ruling that supported vape companies, arguing that the FDA unfairly denied over a million applications to market fruit or candy-flavored e-liquids. 该案件发生之际,FDA 正在对电子烟市场进行全面审查,该市场已经历了多年的监管延迟。 The case comes as the FDA conducts a comprehensive review of the vaping market, which has experienced years of regulatory delays.