密苏里州教育主任警告教师工资可能会随着预算紧张而下降。 Missouri's education chief warns teacher pay could suffer as budget strain mounts.
密苏里州教育专员Karla Eslinger担心国家预算的缩减可能会影响教师的薪酬。 Missouri's education commissioner, Karla Eslinger, worries that a shrinking state budget may affect teacher pay. 最近的一项教育法案包括教师加薪,但费用比预期高出4亿美元。 A recent education bill included teacher raises but cost $400 million more than expected. 国家必须每年延长一笔400万美元的赠款,以帮助支付加薪。 The state must annually renew a $4 million grant to help cover the raises. 密苏里州教师协会的一项匿名调查发现,70%的教师因压力、学生行为和低工资而考虑离开。 An anonymous survey by the Missouri State Teachers Association found that 70% of teachers have considered leaving due to stress, student behavior, and low pay.