男子承认对高中进行炸弹威胁和散发儿童色情材料。 Man pleads guilty to making bomb threats to high school and distributing child pornography.
一名20岁的加州男子Nathaniel Deleon已认罪, 对一所高中发出23次炸弹威胁, A 20-year-old California man, Nathaniel Deleon, has pleaded guilty to making 23 bomb threats against a high school in retaliation against a 16-year-old former online relationship. Deleon 冒充这名青少年报告假炸弹,导致学校疏散和警方回应。 Deleon impersonated the teen to report fake bombs, causing school evacuations and police responses. 他还承认散发儿童色情材料,发送青少年的性明确内容。 He also admitted to distributing child pornography, sending sexually explicit content of the teen. Deleon将面临长达25年的监禁。 Deleon faces up to 25 years in prison.