摩洛哥国王穆罕默德六世推动改革《家庭法》,以平衡现代需求和伊斯兰原则。 King Mohammed VI of Morocco pushes reforms to the Family Code to balance modern needs with Islamic principles.
摩洛哥国王穆罕默德六世已开始全面审查该国的《家庭法》,使之符合宗教原则和现代社会需要。 King Mohammed VI of Morocco has initiated a comprehensive review of the country's Family Code to align it with religious principles and modern societal needs. 修订案包括100多项拟议修正案,旨在确保正义、平等和团结,同时尊重伊斯兰戒律。 The revision, which includes over 100 proposed amendments, aims to ensure justice, equality, and solidarity while respecting Islamic precepts. 国王指示官员随时向公众通报并了解新法典赋予他们的权利,新法典将提交议会批准。 The King instructed officials to keep the public informed and aware of their rights under the new code, which will be submitted to Parliament for approval.