日本外务大臣访问中国,促进与中国同行的文化交流。 Japanese Foreign Minister visits China to boost cultural exchanges with Chinese counterpart.
正如中国外务省发言人毛宁所宣布的,日本外务省外相岩田武(Takeshi Iwaya)计划于星期三访问中国。 Japanese Foreign Minister Takeshi Iwaya is scheduled to visit China on Wednesday, as announced by Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Mao Ning. 岩田将会见中国外交部长王仪,王仪也是共产党政治局的成员。 Iwaya will meet with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, who is also a member of the Communist Party's Political Bureau. 部长们将参加一次会议,重点讨论加强两国人民之间的交流和文化交流问题。 The ministers will participate in a meeting focused on enhancing people-to-people and cultural exchanges between the two countries.