中国外交部长王仪开始全球外交之旅,以促进多边主义和改革。 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi embarks on a global diplomatic tour to promote multilateralism and reform.
中国外交部长王仪计划访问英国、爱尔兰和德国,包括慕尼黑安全会议,随后在纽约举行联合国安全理事会活动,在南非举行20国集团外长会议。 Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi plans visits to the UK, Ireland, and Germany, including the Munich Security Conference, followed by a UN Security Council event in New York and the G20 Foreign Ministers' Meeting in South Africa. 他的行程旨在促进多边主义和倡导全球治理改革,强调中国在国际外交中的作用。 His itinerary aims to foster multilateralism and advocate for global governance reforms, highlighting China's role in international diplomacy.