印度旅游者在芬兰火车上大声批评旅行者同伴, 引发关于社交媒体的辩论。 Indian tourist criticizes loud fellow travelers on Finnish train, sparking debate on social media.
一位在芬兰的印度游客批评印度同行旅行者在一辆安静的列车上大吵大闹的行为。 An Indian tourist in Finland criticized fellow Indian travelers for loud behavior on a quiet train. Gokul Sridhar分享他的经验, 一个家庭在视频电话中大声用印地语说话, 他们的小屋门开着, 扰乱了和平气氛。 Gokul Sridhar shared his experience of a family speaking loudly in Hindi during a video call with their cabin doors open, disrupting the peaceful atmosphere. 他的文章引发了社会媒体关于公共场所公民行为的讨论, 有些用户指出其他国家也有类似事件。 His post sparked discussions on social media about civic behavior in public spaces, with some users noting similar incidents in other countries.