女演员Pooja Bhatt批评孟买地铁上唱着“Jai Shri Ram”和Garba歌曲的团体, Actress Pooja Bhatt criticized a group singing "Jai Shri Ram" and Garba songs in Mumbai metro, raising concerns about law and order and civic responsibility.
女演员Pooja Bhatt批评一个团体在孟买地铁唱着“Jai Shri Ram”和Garba歌曲, Actress Pooja Bhatt has criticized a group singing "Jai Shri Ram" and Garba songs in a Mumbai metro, calling it a misuse of public space. 她对这类活动的允许性提出质疑,并对法律和秩序表示关切,特别是在最近发生了一起与帮派暴力有关的枪击事件之后。 She questioned the permissibility of such activities and raised concerns about law and order, particularly following a recent shooting incident linked to gang violence. Bhatt强调更广泛的公民责任问题,指出非法政治囤积和公共骚乱是破坏公共安全的因素。 Bhatt highlighted broader issues of civic responsibility, citing illegal political hoardings and public disturbances as factors undermining public safety.