一名男子的手臂挡住后座屏幕的推特文章充满了病毒, 引发了关于如何解决座位礼仪问题的辩论。 A Twitter post showing a man's arm blocking a seat-back screen went viral, sparking debate on how to address seat etiquette.
一位乘客John Kennedy在Twitter上分享了一位同行旅行者的照片, A passenger, John Kennedy, shared a photo on Twitter of a fellow traveler whose arm was blocking his seat-back screen. 肯尼迪发现情况有趣 选择不面对他 Kennedy found the situation amusing and chose not to confront the man. 引发有关如何处理此类事件的讨论, 包括直接对话、假喷嚏等诡异策略等, The post went viral, sparking discussions on how to handle such incidents, with suggestions ranging from direct conversation to quirky tactics like faking a sneeze.