Eric Trump张贴了他父亲“买”加拿大的照片, Eric Trump posts doctored photo of his father "buying" Canada, amid tensions over tariffs.
Eric Trump在社交媒体上分享了他父亲购买加拿大、格陵兰和巴拿马运河的照片。 Eric Trump shared a doctored photo on social media of his father purchasing Canada, Greenland, and the Panama Canal. 自选举以来, Trump 将加拿大称为“51个州”, 并威胁征收25%的关税。 Since the election, Trump has referred to Canada as the "51st state" and threatened 25% tariffs. 对此,加拿大特鲁多政府宣布在六年内提供13亿美元的一揽子计划,以解决边境安全和毒品流动问题。 In response, Canada's Trudeau government announced a $1.3 billion package over six years to address border security and drug flow concerns.