德里高等法院要求为强奸和性攻击幸存者提供免费医疗。 Delhi High Court mandates free medical treatment for rape and sexual assault survivors.
德里高等法院已授权对强奸、酸袭击、性攻击的受害者和儿童性犯罪幸存者提供免费医疗。 The Delhi High Court has mandated free medical treatment for victims of rape, acid attacks, sexual assaults, and survivors of child sexual offences (POCSO). 这项命令要求政府和私立医院提供全面护理,包括急救、诊断、手术和心理支持。 The order requires both government and private hospitals to provide comprehensive care, including first aid, diagnosis, surgeries, and psychological support. 法院旨在确保幸存者能够获得免费医疗服务,解决与现有条款有关的问题。 The court aims to ensure that survivors can access free medical services, addressing issues with existing provisions. 医疗设施必须张贴关于免费治疗的通知,拒绝治疗受害者的人可能面临刑事处罚。 Medical facilities must display notices about free treatment, and those refusing to treat victims may face criminal penalties.