布拉德利·理查森因涉嫌在德克萨斯州抢劫一辆H-E-B装甲车而被捕. Bradley Richardson arrested for felony theft in connection with an H-E-B armored car robbery in Texas.
Bradley Richardson因12月3日在得克萨斯州Sugar Land的一家H-E-B商店发生装甲汽车抢劫而被逮捕并被指控犯有重罪盗窃罪。 Bradley Richardson has been arrested and charged with felony theft in connection with an armored car robbery at an H-E-B store in Sugar Land, Texas, on December 3. 理查森自首;一名保安在事件中向逃跑的车辆开了两枪,但没有受伤报告。 Richardson turned himself in; a security guard fired two shots at the getaway vehicle during the incident, but no injuries were reported. 虽然找到了Richardson的车辆,但当局仍在寻找参与抢劫的第二名嫌疑人。 While Richardson's vehicle was found, authorities are still searching for a second suspect involved in the robbery.