男子企图持械抢劫、开枪、劫车、撞车,并在南卡罗来纳州被捕。 Man attempts armed robbery, fires shots, carjacks vehicle, crashes, and is caught in South Carolina.
23岁的Mirorrie Jeremiah Riley 星期二在斯巴达堡的洗车场企图持械抢劫 Minorrie Jeremiah Riley, 23, attempted an armed robbery at a car wash in Spartanburg on Tuesday. 在向一名经理开枪后,他逃离附近一家餐馆,并劫持了一辆吉普车。 After firing shots at a manager, he fled and carjacked a Jeep from a nearby restaurant. Riley撞毁失窃车辆,并被捕。 Riley crashed the stolen vehicle and was apprehended. 他面临包括武装抢劫、谋杀未遂和在暴力犯罪期间持有武器在内的指控。 He faces charges including armed robbery, attempted murder, and weapon possession during a violent crime. 一辆警车在追击期间还发生另一起车祸,但没有警员受伤。 A police car was also involved in a separate crash during the pursuit, but no officers were injured.