一名15岁的孩子在Winnipeg商场被捕,原因是他携带了一把装满3D冲印式手枪。 A 15-year-old was arrested at a Winnipeg mall for carrying a loaded 3D-printed handgun.
一名15岁男孩在Winnipeg商场被捕,因为保安人员发现他携带了一把装满3D打印的手枪。 A 15-year-old boy was arrested at a Winnipeg mall after security found him carrying a loaded, 3D-printed handgun. 当警方已经作为零售安全举措的一部分在该地区巡逻时,发现该青少年的衣着有不寻常的形状。 The discovery was made when police, already patrolling the area as part of a retail safety initiative, noticed unusual shapes in the teenager's clothing. 青少年现在面临多项指控,包括持有装有装有武器、受限制的火器。 The teen now faces multiple charges, including possessing a loaded, restricted firearm.