威斯康星州高中附近15岁,因枪弹威胁被捕;没有受伤、与警方合作、正在进行的调查。 15-year-old arrested near Wisconsin high school for pellet gun threat; no injuries, cooperation with police, ongoing investigation.
威斯康星州Sauk Prairie高中附近逮捕了一名青少年,原因是他展示了一把子弹,并对他人进行威胁。 A juvenile was arrested near Sauk Prairie High School in Wisconsin for displaying a pellet gun and making threats to others. 警方在下午1时15分左右逮捕了与当局合作的嫌疑人。 Police apprehended the suspect around 1:15 p.m., who cooperated with authorities. 青少年被控进行恐怖威胁、扰乱秩序和持有传真火器。 The juvenile faces charges of making terroristic threats, disorderly conduct, and possession of a facsimile firearm. 没有关于受伤或枪击的报告,调查仍在进行中。 No injuries or shots were reported, and the investigation is ongoing.