两名美国海军飞行员在红海上空被友军火力击落;两人都安全弹出。 Two US Navy pilots were shot down by friendly fire over the Red Sea; both ejected safely.
周日,两名美国海军飞行员在红海上空的一次友军交火事件中被击落。 Two US Navy pilots were shot down over the Red Sea in a friendly fire incident on Sunday. 葛底斯堡号导弹巡洋舰错误地向哈里·杜鲁门号航空母舰发射的 F/A-18 战斗机开火。 The USS Gettysburg, a guided missile cruiser, mistakenly fired on an F/A-18 fighter jet launched from the USS Harry S. Truman. 两名飞行员都安全弹射,其中一人受轻伤。 Both pilots ejected safely, with one suffering minor injuries. 这起事件发生时,美国军方对也门胡塞叛军进行了空袭,他们一直在袭击该地区的航运。 The incident occurred as the US military conducted airstrikes targeting Yemen's Houthi rebels, who have been attacking shipping in the region. 由于持续的冲突,红海地区的紧张局势加剧。 The Red Sea area has seen increased tension due to ongoing conflicts.