两名德里消防官员因据称在水患地下室三人死亡的疏忽而被停职。 Two Delhi fire officials suspended over alleged negligence linked to three deaths in a flooded basement.
副总督VK Saxena已停职两名德里消防局官员,Ved Pal和Udai Vir Singh, 因为他们被指控在7月3名公务员竞选者死于一个淹水的地下室图书馆内时玩忽职守。 Lieutenant Governor VK Saxena has suspended two Delhi Fire Services officers, Ved Pal and Udai Vir Singh, over their alleged negligence in the July deaths of three civil service aspirants in a flooded basement library. 警官们没有报告地下室的滥用情况,也没有通知德里市政府。 The officers failed to report the basement's misuse and did not alert the Municipal Corporation of Delhi. 该案正被转交采取进一步纪律行动。 The case is being forwarded for further disciplinary action.