南非五年来最长的无断电期凸显了能源稳定性的改善。 South Africa’s longest period without power cuts in five years highlights improving energy stability.
南非历时272天,没有减压,这是南非五年来没有停电时间最长的5年。 South Africa has gone 272 days without load-shedding, its longest period without power cuts in five years. 能源供应系数已经从55.4%提高到62.5%,计划到2025年达到70%。 The energy availability factor has improved from 55.4% to 62.5%, with plans to reach 70% by 2025. 这一进展归功于埃斯科姆的更好领导,政府计划在2月推出一项私营部门试点方案,以进一步加强电网。 This progress is credited to better leadership at Eskom, and the government plans to introduce a private sector pilot program in February to further boost the power grid. 尽管债务和腐败等挑战依然存在,但Eskom的目标是在2025年3月前盈利。 Despite ongoing challenges like debt and corruption, Eskom aims to be profitable by March 2025.