新加坡商人Saiful Alam寻求就孟加拉国所指控的资产冻结进行国际仲裁。 Singaporean businessman Saiful Alam seeks international arbitration over alleged asset freeze by Bangladesh.
Businessman Saiful Alam, 新加坡公民, 正在对孟加拉国政府采取法律行动, 声称政府在Sheikh Hasina政府倒台后冻结其资产, Businessman Saiful Alam, a Singaporean citizen, is taking legal action against the Bangladeshi government, claiming it froze his assets and disrupted his businesses after the fall of the Sheikh Hasina government. Alam声称,他的家人在未经正式通知的情况下面临旅行禁令,失去对其公司的控制。 Alam alleges his family faced travel bans and lost control of their companies without formal notification. 他正在根据2004年孟加拉国和新加坡之间的一项条约寻求国际仲裁。 He is seeking international arbitration under a 2004 treaty between Bangladesh and Singapore. 政府尚未做出回应。 The government has not yet responded.