孟加拉国法院对超过2.2M无法解释的财富的前协助者实施旅行禁令。 A Bangladeshi court imposes travel ban on ex-assistant to ex-PM over $2.2M unexplained wealth.
一个达卡法院对孟加拉国前总理谢赫·哈西娜的前私人助理贾汉吉尔·阿拉姆及其妻子实施旅行禁令,指控其获得超过其已知收入220万美元的资产。 A Dhaka court has imposed a travel ban on Jahangir Alam, a former personal assistant to Bangladesh's ex-Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, and his wife, amid accusations of acquiring assets worth $2.2 million beyond their known income. 反腐败委员会(反腐败委员会)在发现与Alam有关的银行账户中的可疑交易总额超过626塔卡之后提起诉讼,表明存在洗钱和非法财富积累行为。 The Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) filed a case after discovering suspicious transactions totaling over Tk 626 crore in bank accounts associated with Alam, suggesting money laundering and illegal wealth accumulation. 这是继之前的贪污指控和因可疑活动而被冻结的银行账户之后。 This follows previous graft charges and bank account freezes due to suspicious activities.