在华盛顿Puyallup向公共汽车乘客开枪射击;嫌疑犯逃跑,没有受伤的报告。 Shots fired at bus passenger in Puyallup, Washington; suspects fled, no injuries reported.
星期日,在华盛顿Puyallup的Pierce Transport公共汽车上,有人向一名乘客开枪。 On Sunday, shots were fired at a passenger on a Pierce Transit bus in Puyallup, Washington. 嫌犯是一名白人男子和一名黑人男子,在公共汽车司机将车辆移到安全地点后步行逃跑。 The suspects, a white male and a black male, fled on foot after the bus driver moved the vehicle to a safe location. 没有人受伤,但巴士被多枪击中。 No one was injured, but the bus was hit by multiple shots. 在现场发现了弹壳,警察正在寻求公众协助,以查明嫌疑人。 Shell casings were found at the scene, and police are seeking public assistance in identifying the suspects. 敦促任何拥有信息的人都与地方当局联系。 Anyone with information is urged to contact local authorities.