在Imgur和RedditGifts关闭后, Reddit用户与GivinGifts等另类秘密圣诞老人方案保持节日精神。 Reddit users maintain holiday spirit with alternative Secret Santa programs like GivinGifts, after Imgur's and RedditGifts' closures.
在Imgur和RedditGifts的活动结束后, Reddit用户通过诸如GivinGifts等另类秘密圣诞老人方案保持节日精神。 Reddit users keep holiday spirit alive through alternative Secret Santa programs like GivinGifts, following the closure of Imgur's and RedditGifts' events. GivinGifts以匿名方式与世界各地成百上千人相匹配, 向礼物赠送者提供一份简短的礼物, GivinGifts matches hundreds of people worldwide anonymously, providing gifters with a brief bio of their giftee's interests to choose appropriate gifts. RedditGifts的共同创始人Dan McComas很高兴看到传统得以延续, RedditGifts' co-founder, Dan McComas, is happy to see the tradition continue, though he notes the challenges in managing such large-scale exchanges.