新阿尔茨海默氏症和痴呆症准则强调全面评估和三步诊断过程。 New Alzheimer's and dementia guidelines stress comprehensive evaluations and a three-step diagnosis process.
已经发布了诊断阿尔茨海默氏病和痴呆症的新准则,更新了以前20年的建议。 New guidelines for diagnosing Alzheimer's and dementia have been released, updating the previous 20-year-old recommendations. 准则强调涉及护理伙伴、症状评估、认知测试和脑成像的全面评价。 The guidelines emphasize a comprehensive evaluation involving a care partner, symptom assessment, cognitive testing, and brain imaging. 它们包括一个三步诊断过程,旨在提高诊断准确性和各种医疗环境的病人护理。 They include a three-step diagnostic process and aim to improve diagnosis accuracy and patient care across various medical settings.