马萨诸塞州Spencer的大火摧毁了两座住宅, Major fire in Spencer, Massachusetts, destroys two homes and complicates efforts with explosions.
马萨诸塞州Spencer的一场大火摧毁了两座房屋,并损坏了第三座房屋,使烟火和丙烷罐爆炸的努力复杂化。 A major fire in Spencer, Massachusetts, destroyed two homes and damaged a third, complicating efforts with exploding fireworks and propane tanks. 在圣诞节前几天,东大道发生火灾,消防员因附近缺乏水合剂而挣扎。 Occurring days before Christmas, the fire broke out on East Avenue, with firefighters struggling due to a lack of nearby hydrants. 房主Justin Peck正在探望他住院的妻子,他失去了家,他们在那里生活了二十多年。 The homeowner, Justin Peck, who was visiting his hospitalized wife, lost his home, where they had lived for over two decades. 没有报告有人受伤,火灾原因仍在调查之中。 No injuries were reported, and the cause of the fire is still under investigation.