邻居们在澳大利亚的Goulburn发生了一起房屋火灾,拯救了一家人,但是没有财产。 Neighbors contained a house fire in Goulburn, Australia, saving a family but leaving them without possessions.
12月16日澳洲Goulburn发生一起房屋火灾, A house fire in Goulburn, Australia, on December 16, was largely contained by neighbors before firefighters arrived. 这起火灾始于Towrang大道一栋房屋的厨房,造成严重的烟雾破坏,使女房客和她的儿子没有大部分财物。 The fire, starting in the kitchen of a Towrang Avenue home, caused significant smoke damage, leaving the female occupant and her son without most of their belongings. 邻居Rodney Seymour用花园水管控制火焰,另一邻居进入屋内放烟,吸入烟雾。 Neighbor Rodney Seymour used a garden hose to control the flames, while another neighbor entered the house to release smoke, suffering from inhalation. 新南威尔士州住房将为流离失所的家庭提供新住房。 NSW Housing will provide new accommodation for the displaced family.