泰米尔纳德邦大雨造成水涝,学校关闭,排水工作正在进行。 Heavy rainfall in Tamil Nadu causes waterlogging, with schools closed and drainage efforts underway.
泰米尔纳德邦Thoothukudi的暴雨导致水涝,导致地方官员使用水泵排水。 Heavy rainfall in Thoothukudi, Tamil Nadu, caused waterlogging, leading local officials to use pumps for drainage. 印度气象局预测,到12月25日为止,该地区的降雨量会较轻。 The India Meteorological Department predicts light to moderate rain in the area until December 25. 11个区的学校先前因暴雨而关闭。 Schools in 11 districts were previously closed due to heavy rains. 奥里萨邦也面临小到中雨,而德里则经历了小雨和凉爽的气温,空气质量处于“严重”类别。 Odisha also faces light to moderate rain, while Delhi experienced light rain and cooler temperatures, with the air quality in the 'severe' category.